ID in this catalogue WCO 7
Type Outflow water clock 
Current Location

Fragment a) Museo Egizio, Turin Room 13, Case 06

Fragment b) MRAH, Brussels, on display

Catalogue Numbers
Fragment a) Supp. 8
Fragment b) E.04782
Provenance Found in Rome, behind the S. Maria sopra Minerva (Müskens 2017). The Turin fragment came from Kircherian Museum in 1896
Date Late Period
Fragment a) Height 19.5 cm; width 21 cm
Fragment b) Height 11.5 cm; width 16 cm; thickness 4 cm
Material Red Granite
Condition Two fragments remain
Publications Kircher (1654);

Borchardt (1920); Speelers (1923); Pogo (1936); Capart (1938); Porter and Moss (1960); Roullet (1972); Langmann et al. (1984); Lembke (1994); Grimm and Mina Zeni (2004); Müskens (2017)

External registers Single Register
External upper band of text The Brussels fragment (b) has a line of text on the outside recording the dual use of the instrument: "To be able to know the hours of the day when Re cannot be seen, and to be able to know the hours of the night (when the stars cannot be seen)." (MRAH Catalogue)
External lower band(s) of text Unknown 
Exterior Astronomical Diagram


Rim Unknown 
Interior markings The inner surface was carved with twelve lines, each with eleven projections, one series for each month of the year. The eleven subdivisions were further apart during the winter months because the nights were longer. The inner surface of the fragment also has traces of a was-sceptre and a djed-pillar. (MRAH Catalogue)
Other features  

See also the entries in:

Schomberg, A., Berlin Waterclock Project, ID 29 Turin, 2019, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/2-10-22 [Fragment a] (Berlin cast of this object is ID 5.)
Schomberg, A., Berlin Waterclock Project, ID 35 Brussels, 2019, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/2-10-29 [Fragment b]


a) Museo Egizio website:

b) MRAH website: