info A transliteration font is needed to view the decan pages correctly.

All decans are tabulated below in Egyptian alphabetical order: A, i, y, a, w, b, p, f, m, n, r, h, H, x, X, s, S, q, k, g, t, T, d, D (at the bottom of the page is an expanded table containing all T, K, AR1, AR2, AR3, EAT1, and EAT3 decan numbers). More information on each decan can be found by clicking on the individual decan names in the table below. Important guides and caveats can be found below the table, and on the decan pages.

.bn pHwy xAw Hry-ib xntw sApti xnwy kAkA
"crew" pHwy sAbw xnwy sAH knmw
Axwy pHwy DAt "xnwy" siAtw knmt
iwn sAH msDr sAH xAw sbAw mHw tpy-a Axwy
ipDs nbi wr xAw 2 sbSsn tpy-a bAwy
imy-xt Axwy nhs xntw Hrw spty tpy-a xntt
imy-xt spd nsrw xntw Xrw spdt tpy-a spdt
abwt nTr wAS xntt Hrt smd tpy-a smd
art nTr DA pt xntt Xrt smd mHty tpy-a knmt
wart Hrt sAH rmn Hry (sAH) = Hry rmn (sAH) Xry art smd rsy tmAt Hrt Xrt
wart Xrt (sAH) = Xrt wart rmn Xry (sAH) = Xry rmn (sAH) Xry xpd n knmt smd srt TmAt Hrt
wSAti rmn sAH = a sAH Xry xpd srt srt TmAt Xrt
wSAty bkAty hnhn sA sSm sSpt Tms n xntt
bAwy HAt xAw sAwy knmt sSmw Ts arq
bkAti HAt sAbw sAwy srt Stwy DAt
pA sbA waty HAt DAt sAwy qd qd  
pHwy Hry Hry-ib wiA sAbw qdty  


The decans are also shown listed in the T decan list and K decan list.

Hieroglyphs on the decan pages linked above are shown with an idealized rendering (reading left to right), and the epigraphy section for each decan shows drawings of the actual writing (virtually all read right to left).

Hieroglyphs are transliterated using the standard transliteration alphabet.  In order to view all the information on this site, you will need to have a transliteration font installed.  Slight variations of transliterated spellings can occur for the same hieroglyph for two reasons: the hieroglyphs themselves occur in a variant order and this variation is maintained during transliteration, or because of slight variations of the transliteration process depending on the individual scholar.

Translations, where they exist, are taken from Neugebauer and Parker's Egyptian Astronomical Texts.

The pronunciation audio tracks provided are to be used as guides only, especially for those new to the field of Egyptology.  Just as there are variations for the transliteration, there is no standard way to pronounce hieroglyphs so variations can occur for the pronunciation.  This reflects the fact that ancient Egyptian is a dead language, and no written records have survived to indicate exactly how hieroglyphs should be pronounced.  Vowels and vowel-sounds are especially difficult to establish because they are mostly omitted when written. 

The following table is an expanded repeat of the above table, and includes all T, K, AR1, AR2, AR3, EAT1, and EAT3 decan numbers.  The order is our current best guess, but note that any system of "ordering" decans is based on many assumptions and not all authors will agree.  The position and ordering of the decans in the final fourteen rows (smd rsy onwards) is particularly difficult to ascertain.

Decan T K AR1 AR2 AR3 EAT1 EAT3
TmAt Hrt 35 6 6 6 6 1 10
tmAt Hrt Xrt - - - - - - 11
TmAt Xrt 36 7 7 7 7 2 12
wSAti 1a 8 8 8  - 3a 13
wSAty bkAty 1 - -  - 8 3 14
bkAti 1b 9 9 9 - 3b 15
ipDs 2 B? D D J 4 16/93
sbAw mHw - - -  - 9 - 17
sSpt - 10 C C H 4a 91
sbSsn 3 D? E E K 5 18/94
tpy-a xntt - 11 10 10 10 5a 19
xntt Hrt 4 12 11 11 11 6 20
xntt Xrt 5 13 12 12 12 7 21
Tms n xntt 6 14 13 13 13 8 22
qdty 7 - -  -  - 9 23
spty - 15a -  - - 9a 24
sApti xnwy - 15 14 14 14 9b 25
"xnwy" 8 - -  - - 10 26
xnwy - 15b -  - - 10a 27
Hry-ib wiA 9 16 15 15 15 11 28
"crew" 10 - -  -  - 12 29
sSmw - 17 16 16 16 12a 30
sA sSm - - - - - - 31
knmw 11 18 17 17 17 13 32
tpy-a smd - 19 18 18 18 13a 33
pA sbA waty - - -  - - - 34
smd srt 12 - - - - 14 35
smd 12a 20 19 19 19 14a 36
srt 13 21 20 20 20 15 37
sAwy srt 14 22 21 21 21 16 38
Xry xpd srt 15 23 22 22 22 17 39
tpy-a Axwy 16 24 23 23 23 18 40
imy-xt Axwy 17 E? -  -  - 20 42
Axwy 18/H 25 24 24 24 19/H 41
tpy-a bAwy - - - -  - - 43
bAwy 19 26 25 25 25 21 44
xntw Hrw - 27 26 26 26 21a 45
Hry-ib xntw - - - 27 27 - 46/96
xntw Xrw - 28 27 28 28 21b 47
qd 20 29 28 29 29 22 48
sAwy qd - 30 29 30 30 22a 49
xAw 21/I 31 30 31 31 23/J 50/80
art 22 32 31 32 32 24 51
Xry art 23 - -  - - 25 52
iwn sAH - - - 33 33 - 53/97
rmn Hry (sAH) = Hry rmn (sAH) 24 33 32 34 34 26/26a 54/55
msDr sAH - - - 35 35 - 56/98
Ts arq - - -  - - - 57
rmn Xry (sAH) = Xry rmn (sAH) 25/D 34 33 36 36 27/D/27a 58/59/75
rmn sAH = a sAH - 35 34 37 37 27b 60/61
wart Hrt sAH - - - - - - 62/99
sAH - - 35 38 38 - 63
abwt 26 - -  -  - 28 64
wart Xrt (sAH) = Xrt wart 27 - -  - - 29 65/66/100
tpy-a spdt 28/F - -  -  - 30/F 67/77
spdt 29 36 36 39 39 31 68
imy-xt spd G -  -  - - G 78
Stwy - A? A A A 31b 70/84
siAtw - - - - B - 71/85
tpy-a knmt - 1 1 1 1 31a 1
knmt 30 2 2 2 2 32 2
sAwy knmt 31 - - - - 33 3
Xry xpd n knmt 32 3 3 3 3 34 4
HAt xAw 33 - -  - - 35 5
HAt DAt - 4 4 4 4 35a 6
DAt - - -  -  - - 7
pHwy xAw 34 - -  -  - 36 8
pHwy DAt - 5 5 5 5 36a 9
smd rsy A - - -  - A 72
smd mHty B - -  -  - B 73
nTr DA pt C/J - -  -  - C/K 74/81
xAw 2 E - -  -  - E 76
pHwy sAbw K - -  -  - M 83
sAbw L - -  -  - L 82
HAt sAbw M - -  -  - - -
pHwy Hry - - -  -  - - 69
.bn - - -  - C - 86
hnhn - - -  - D - 87
kAkA - - -  - E - 88
nbi wr - - -  - F - 89
nsrw - - B B G - 90
nhs - - -  - I - 92
nTr wAS - - F F L - 95