Label T10
Group/Type T
Siglum S16C
EAT 1 Coffin -
EAT 1 Group -
Major Publications

Chassinat and Palanque (1911), Pogo (1932), Locher (1998), Cockcroft & Symons (2014)

Owner Nḫtı͗
Provenance Asyut
Current Location Egyptian Museum, Cairo:  Room P37, showcase D (not 27 as per Locher, 1998)
CG 28128; JE 36318; SR 3/912


Rows 12
Date Row Yes
Columns 28
Pattern Too little left to know for certain, but the parts recorded so far are consistent with an orderly table.
Vertical Strip

Yes, but badly damaged:


Horizontal Strip An offering formula is present but is almost completely destroyed by damage.  Meskhetiu is the only astronomical character with readable signs.
Other Text None known
Style Unknown
Notes This table does have a date row (Locher (1998) did not mention this), so the only T tables without a date row are T3 and T6. It is unclear whether or not this table completely lacks two ordinary decans (19 bꜣwy and 25 rmn ẖry) like the other type T tables, but they are not visible in the surviving areas.




Legend for Schematic
  Parts of the table that were never originally present when compared to an ideal table
  Parts of the table that are obscured; any legible fragments are consistent with any numbers shown on this background


No images available of T10.


Ordinary Decans Triangle Decans
1 wšꜣt bkꜣt 13 srt 25 - A -
2 ı͗pḏs 14 sꜣwy srt 26 ꜥbwt B -
3 sbšsn 15 ẖry ḫpd srt 27 ẖrt wꜥrt C -
4 ḫntt ḥrt 16 tpy-ꜥ ꜣḫwy 28 tpy-ꜥ spd D -
5 ḫntt ẖrt 17 ı͗my-ḫt ꜣḫwy 29 spd E -
6 ṯms n ḫntt 18 ꜣḫwy 30 - F -
7 ḳdty 19 - 31 - G -
8 "ḫnwy" 20 ḳd 32 - H -
9 ḥry-ı͗b wı͗ꜣ 21 ḫꜣw 33 - I -
10 "crew" 22 ꜥrt 34 - J -
11 knm 23 ẖry ꜥrt 35 ṯmꜣt ḥrt K -
12 smd srt 24 rmn ḥry 36 ṯmꜣt ẖrt L -


Legend for Decans
 - Decans that do not occur on this table for lack of space or were omitted for unknown reasons, but which are part of the expected list
  Parts of the decan list that are missing or unreadable from loss or damage