Label K1
Group/Type K
Siglum S9C
EAT 1 Coffin 10
EAT 1 Group IV
Major Publications Neugebauer and Parker (1960), Page 17, Plates 18-19
Owner *Aw-Aw
Provenance Asyut
Current Location

Egyptian Museum, Cairo; Room 41 as of 2024.
JE 44979; SR 2/1664


Rows 8
Date Row No
Columns 23
Pattern Very disordered.  The table is compressed or curtailed into eight rows.  Portions of the table display a reverse diagonal pattern.
Vertical Strip Sopdet
Horizontal Strip Sahu, Meskhetiu
Other Text None
Style Poorly executed.  The star symbols are heavily compressed.




Legend for Schematic
  Parts of the table that were never originally present when compared to an ideal table
  Parts of the table that are obscured; any legible fragments are consistent with the numbers shown


Click on the image below to view more images of K1.

Image: Courtesy of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.


Ordinary Decans Triangle Decans
1 tpy-a knmt 14 Tms n xntt 25 Axwy  E? imy-xt Axwy
2 knmt      26 bAwy     
3 Xry xpd n knmt 15a spty 27 xntw Hrw    
4 HAt DAt 15b xnwy 28 xntw Xrw    
5 pHwy DAt 16 Hry-ib wiA 29 qd    
6 TmAt Hrt  17 sSmw 30 sAwy qd    
7 TmAt Xrt  18 knm        
8 wSAti             
9 bkAti  20 smd        
    21 srt        
11 tpy-a xntt 22 sAwy srt        
12 xntt Hrt 23 Xry xpd srt        
13 xntt Xrt 24 tpy-a Axwy        


Legend for Decans
  Decans that occur on this table
  Decans that do not occur on this table, but a space is left for them because they may have occurred on the ideal table
  Parts of the decan list that are missing owing to loss or damage



This table is notable for the inclusion of E imy-xt Axwy, and also for the appearance of 15a spty and 15b xnwy as separate decans in an otherwise fairly standard K-type decan list. K0 and this table are the only ones with the latter feature (all other type K tables use 15 spty xnwy). Decan 19 tpy-a smd is not present, the only such omission for the tables. Decan 28 xntw Xrw occurs only once in a damaged cell.