ID in this catalogue SD Berlin ÄM 20322
Type Semicircular, portable
Current Location Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin 
Catalogue Numbers 20322. Dialface ID 332
Provenance "Chalid in Luxor" (Rau 2002) presumably refers to the vendor. Borchardt (1911) simply states "Luxor". 
Date 4th-1st century B.C, Greco-Roman era 
Dimensions H 68 mm, D 12 mm, W 74mm 
Material Green faience (Borchardt 1911
Markings and inscriptions Has a 2mm hole for the gnomon and a square depression above it. On the top surface there are two holes, presumably to suspend the dial (Rau 2002).. There are thirteen radial hour lines.
Literature Borchardt (1911); Borchardt (1920) p. 48 ff.; Sloley (1931) p. 173 and Pl. XVII.2; Clagett (1995); Rau (2002); Bickel and Gautschy (2014); Graßhoff (2015)

Clagett (1995), figure III.56, reproduced by kind permission of the publishers, the American Philosphical Society:


Borchart (1920) reconstruction:
