ID in this catalogue | SC BM 1909,0216.10 |
Type | Spherical |
Current Location | British Museum, London |
Catalogue Numbers | Has two museum registration numbers: 1886,0401.1477 and 1909, 0216.10. Dialface ID 41. Gibbs 1040G |
Provenance | Sanctuary of Apollo, Naukratis, Egypt. Excavated by Petrie in 1884/5 season and donated by the EEF to the BM in 1886 (museum online database) |
Date | Unknown |
Dimensions | W 78 mm, H 65 mm, D 50 mm (Gibbs 1976) |
Material | Limestone |
Markings and inscriptions | A gnomon groove 5 mm wide remains in the top surface of the dial. Limestone - This miniature dial has a rounded back. Twelve hour lines extend from a day curve near the gnomon to the lower edge of the spherical surface." (Gibbs 1976). "Traces of engraved letters are visible below the spherical surface." (Gibbs 1976). |
Notes | "Petrie mentioned this find in his journal (Journal 1884-85, p. 191) 'a small limestone dial was picked out of the rubbish' in the Temple of Apollo area." (museum online database, curator's notes). "Small fragmentary limestone sundial. There are 12 grooves and a notch at the top of the piece that originally held the pointer or "Gnomon"." (museum online database). BUT is it a sundial? "Part of limestone florette (?) resembling a sundial; an architectural feature." (museum online database) |
Literature | Petrie (1886) p. 16, pl. XVIII, no. 6; Gibbs (1976) p. 155; Kościuk (1992); Evans and Marée (2008); Villing et al. (2013) CG.03; Graßhoff (2015) |
Petrie (1886) Plate XVIII, number 6:
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