Title Sarcophagus of Ankhhapy
Type Astronomical Representation
Decan List Family AR1
EAT3 Number and Name 38 Ankhhapy
EAT3 Pages and Plates 52-53, Fig 13
EAT3 Decan List Family Senmut
Publications Maspero (1914)

Inside surface of sarcophagus lid

Egyptian Museum, Cairo; on display in room R49, free-standing

JE 34646-b and JE 17429(b); SR 5/12106.1

Date 30th dynasty?


Registers 2
Circumpolar Group and Deities Yes
Planets No
Decan Names None except Sahu and Sopdet
Decanal Stars Only two star symbols are recorded
Personifications of the Decans No
Cluster Numbers No
Depictions of Decanal Constellations Yes
Decanal Deity Names No
Decanal Deity Figures No
Lunar Months No
Civil Months No
Nut Yes



The drawing by Maspero (below) shows only two decanal figures, two decan (or figure) names, and no decanal deity names nor figures. This is therefore one of the most abbreviated of the Astronomical Representations, to the point where it almost can be considered as transitional between a "representation" format and a "procession" format. We choose to present it as the former because of the inclusion of four circumpolar deities.


38Ankhhapy schematic


Legend for Schematic
C Circumpolar constellations
A Attendant circumpolar deities
D Decans
N The sky-goddess Nut
Hippo symbol

Location and orientation of the circumpolar hippo

Human symbol

Indicates the starting point and directionality of list or procession of figures


Decan List

Only 35 sꜣḥ and 36 spdt are depicted. Neither is accompanied by a deity name.


The drawing below is from Maspero (1914) and was reproduced as Figure 13 in EAT3 (Neugebauer and Parker, 1969):

38Ankhhapy image