Label T1
Group/Type T
Siglum S1C
EAT 1 Coffin 1
EAT 1 Group I
Major Publications

Daressy (1900), Lacau (1904), Pogo (1932), Neugebauer and Parker (1960)Pages 4-5, Plates 1-2, Zitman (2010) Pages 157 ff, 328, Cockcroft & Symons (2014)

Owner Msḥt(ı͗)
Provenance Asyut (Zitman 2010)
Current Location

Egyptian Museum, Cairo; Room P37, free-standing case (number 3349)
CG 28118; JE 30966


Rows 12
Date Row Yes
Columns 36 (I Akhet to IIII Shemu) + 4 list columns
Pattern The diagonal pattern is well-ordered and there are minimal mistakes. Like all type T tables, there are only 34 ordinary decans.
Vertical Strip


Horizontal Strip (R to L) Meskhetiu, Nut, Sahu, smd rsy and smd mḥty, nṯr ḏꜣ pt and rmn ḥry, spd and ꞽmy-ḫt spd, ꜣḫwy and ꞽmy-ḫt ꜣḫwy, ḥꜣt ḫꜣw and pḥwy ḫꜣw, ḫntt ḥrt and ḫntt ẖrt
Other Text

The final column is not labelled for the epagomenal days.

The last two cells of the final column contain the text "Total of those who are in their places, the gods of the sky, 36" (EAT 1, p 5)

Style The table appears between coffin texts - an unusual feature as the star tables usually take up the whole inner surface of the lid.  The table gives the impression of being "dark" because the dark wood is mostly exposed - the original light-coloured ground has only survived in a few places. 
Notes This is the most complete diagonal star table, closest to the “ideal” model described in EAT1. Even so, like all other type T tables, it lacks two ordinary decans (19 bꜣwy and 25 rmn ẖry) in the main body and so has two occurrences of the ṯmꜣt decans at the beginning of the beginning of the ordinary decans and just before the triangle.  However, T1 uniquely preserves rmn ẖry in the list columns, giving weight to its place as one of the two missing decans.  T1 also lacks the final triangle decan L sꜣbw.  The horizontal strip for T1 begins with a large red dot, as seen on most other tables, and not a nfr symbol (Cockcroft & Symons, 2014).



Legend for Schematic
  Parts of the table that were never originally present when compared to an ideal table
  Parts of the table that are obscured; any legible fragments are consistent with any numbers shown on this background


Click on the image below to view more images of T1.

Image: Courtesy of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

Ordinary Decans Triangle Decans
1 wšꜣt bkꜣt 13 srt 25 - A smd rsy
2 ı͗pḏs 14 sꜣwy srt 26 ꜥbwt B smd mḥty
3 sbšsn 15 ẖry ḫpd srt 27 ẖrt wꜥrt C nṯr ḏꜣ pt
4 ḫntt ḥrt 16 tpy-ꜥ ꜣḫwy 28 tpy-ꜥ spd D rmn ẖry
5 ḫntt ẖrt 17 ı͗my-ḫt ꜣḫwy 29 spd E ḫꜣw 2
6 ṯms n ḫntt 18 ꜣḫwy 30 knmt F tpy-ꜥ spd
7 ḳdty 19 - 31 sꜣwy knmt G ı͗my-ḫt spd 
8 "ḫnwy" 20 ḳd 32 ẖry ḫpd n knmt H ꜣḫwy
9 ḥry-ı͗b wı͗ꜣ 21 ḫꜣw 33 ḥꜣt ḫꜣw I ḫꜣw
10 "crew" 22 ꜥrt 34 pḥwy ḫꜣw J nṯr ḏꜣ pt
11 knm 23 ẖry ꜥrt 35 ṯmꜣt ḥrt K pḫwy sꜣbw
12 smd srt 24 rmn ḥry 36 ṯmꜣt ẖrt L -


Legend for Decans
 - Decans that do not occur on this table for lack of space or were omitted for unknown reasons, but which are part of the expected list
  Parts of the decan list that are missing or unreadable from loss or damage