Title Ceiling Block (Roda)
Type Astronomical Representation
Decan List Family AR1
EAT3 Number and Name 36 Roda
EAT3 Pages and Plates 48-49, Fig 11
EAT3 Decan List Family Senmut
Publications EAT3 only.
Location In store. A block from an otherwise unknown astronomical ceiling which was reused in the construction of the Nilometer at Roda.
Date 26th dynasty?


Registers Unknown
Circumpolar Group and Deities Not preserved

Superior: one

Inferior: Mercury, Venus

Decan Names Yes
Decanal Stars Yes
Personifications of the Decans Not expected
Cluster Numbers Yes
Depictions of Decanal Constellations Yes
Decanal Deity Names None preserved
Decanal Deity Figures None preserved
Lunar Months None preserved
Civil Months Not expected
Nut No traces preserved



This is a very fragmentary source, with only the planets and triangle area preserved. It seems as though even when complete, it would have been a much-abbreviated version.


Not enough of the design remains for a schematic to be reconstructed.

Decan List

The list gives an approximate layout for how the decans, deities, cluster labels (in transliteration), and decanal figures (in bold) are arranged. However, the only way of perceiving the complete layout and orthography of the labels is by consulting photographs or drawings.



  SP (identity unknown)   Planet
  [A štwy] [ẖ]t -pw Turtle(s)
    D [hp]ds  
  [ ] t IP1 sbg    
  IP2 ḏꜣ

The decan numbers and letters shown here are for the decan family AR1.

IP = inferior planet

Grey shading = damage

[ ] = damaged text

( ) = explanatory notes or additional material

The number of star symbols accompanying the decans is also omitted here, as it is often impossible to tell to which decan the symbols refer. EAT3 deals with star symbols in some detail.


EAT3 Figure 11 (Neugebauer and Parker, 1969)

36Roda image