Project Members:

SARAH SYMONS is a Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Science and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada whose research interests include ancient Egyptian astronomy. She is a past Director of the William J. McCallion Planetarium in Hamilton, Ontario.

ROBERT COCKCROFT is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at McMaster University.  His first postdoctoral fellowship was on ancient Egyptian astronomy, a field in which he enjoys continuing to work. He is also Director of the William J. McCallion Planetarium in Hamilton, Ontario.

HIMANSHI KHURANA was an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Science at McMaster University. One of her passions is astronomy and the connection it has with ancient civilizations. She explored ancient Egyptian astronomy through a summer research project and has since become involved with the project.

SHAHITHRA KIRUBALINGAM became involved with this project as a summer research student during her undergraduate studies at McMaster University. 

JESSE BETTENCOURT is a grad student in machine learning at the University of Toronto. His interest in ancient Egyptian astronomy and his involvement with this project began through a summer research assistantship during his undergraduate studies in the Integrated Science program at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada.

CODY KOYKKA gained his PhD in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Western University.

BRENAN DEW contributed to the project while a graduate student in the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.


Where does the information on this website come from?

Information on this website comes from peer-reviewed publications and from original research and observation of the primary sources by Project members which has also been published in peer-reviewed journals. Information about objects comes from museum catalogues and databases. Citations are used to credit authors' work and to point to useful sources. Hover over any citation to bring up the key details identifying it. You can access the full bibliography here.  The major work in this subject area is Neugebauer and Parker's Egyptian Astronomical Texts (3 vols) which scholars should consult in conjunction with the information in this database.  Please contact us if you wish to report an error or omission, or would like to comment on the website.


Citing this website

If you would like to cite information from this resource, please use the following information:

Symons, S.L., Cockcroft, R., Bettencourt, J. and Koykka, C., 2013. Ancient Egyptian Astronomy. [Online database] Available at: <>.

Images on this website are used with the permission of the copyright holders as credited under each image. If you wish to re-use these images, you must contact the copyright holders to obtain permission. Any images without acknowledgements (such as schematics) are created by project members and may be re-used by crediting the website using the citation information above. As a courtesy, please also let us know that you have found a use for our work!

Funding acknowledgements

This research was funded by the Arts Research Board, McMaster University and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  This site is supported by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University.






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