Title Water clock (Louvre and Thorvaldsens)
Water Clock ID WCO 10 (see catalogue of water clocks)
Type Astronomical Representation
Decan List Family AR1
EAT3 Number and Name 44 Ptolemy II
EAT3 Pages and Plates 60, Plate 22C
EAT3 Decan List Family Senmut or Senmut A
Publications Borchardt (1920)

1) Fragment of a water clock N 664 = AF 894, Louvre Museum, Paris

2) Fragment of a water clock H351, Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen (this fragment was unknown to Neugebauer and Parker)

Date Ptolemaic, time of Ptolemy II


Registers Probably 2 or 3
Circumpolar Group and Deities Yes (on the Thorvaldsens fragment)
Planets Yes (on the Thorvaldsens fragment)
Decan Names Yes
Decanal Stars Yes
Personifications of the Decans Unlikely
Cluster Numbers ?
Depictions of Decanal Constellations Yes
Decanal Deity Names Yes
Decanal Deity Figures Unlikely
Lunar Months ?
Civil Months ?
Nut Unlikely



This fragment of a Ptolemaic water clock is consistent with an astronomical representation similar to that of the Amenhotep III water clock.


The Louvre fragment contains part of the decanal area of the representation, while the Thorvaldsens fragment preserves Saturn and part of the procession of circumpolar deities.

Decan List

Only part of the Sahu area is preserved on the Louvre fragment.

35 {rmn} sꜣḥ    
Stars of Sahu Sahu
31 ꜥrt Eye of Horus  
32 ḥry rmn sꜣḥ    

The decan numbers and letters shown here are for the decan family AR1.

Grey shading = damage

{ } = included in error

The number of star symbols accompanying the decans is also omitted here, as it is often impossible to tell to which decan the symbols refer. EAT3 deals with star symbols in some detail.


Thorvaldsens Museum has made this image available to the public domain under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.
