ID in this catalogue SX EMC CG 33401
Type "Stepped"
Current Location Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Catalogue Numbers CG 33401
Provenance Unknown
Date Unknown
Dimensions Around 30 cm long?
Material Limestone
Markings and inscriptions None visible
Notes This object was presented as a "triple" sundial by Borchardt (1920), incorporating elements of L-shaped, sloping, and "stepped" sundials, the latter being only represented by this object. Subsequent authors can be been divided into to those who accept Borchardt's interpretation (examples Sloley (1931) and Clagett (1995)) and those who do not (Berg (1990) and the present authors). The alternative is that the object is an architectural element, either a model or the base for a small statue.
Literature Borchardt (1920) p. 37 ff.; Sloley (1931) Pl. XVIII; Berg (1990) fn. 65; Clagett (1995)

Sloley (1931) Pl. XVIII:
