Astronomical representations can be categorized according to their decanal content (EAT3).  Often, representations which share similar decanal content share other commonalities of style and/or layout.  In EAT3, Neugebauer and Parker grouped their "monuments" (astronomical texts) into decan list families.  They named each family after the earliest occurrence of that decan list.  This naming convention can be confusing (for example, there are three families named after "Seti I", because the earliest instance of each occurred in the reign of that pharaoh).  In this database, we use "AR1" to refer to one tradition of decans used in Astronomical Representations.  AR1 is equivalent to the Senmut Family in EAT3.

The AR1 decan list is the most common list in astronomical representations, and the list with the widest distribution over time. The list can be accompanied by one of two sets of decanal deities.  The less common deity list, AR1 variant, is restricted to four closely-related 20th dynasty tomb ceilings.  This variant, which is called Senmut B in EAT3, is discussed on a separate page.  EAT3 also identifies another subgroup, called Senmut A, of three members (8 Ramses II A, 9 Ramses II B, and 17 Ramses III A) which are treated here as members of AR1 (Symons, 2015b).

AR1 occurs in thirteen astronomical representations known to date, with a further five astronomical representations that have been hypothesized to have originally been based on the AR1 model, but are too fragmentary to be entirely certain:  Tomb of Karakhamun, Tomb of Ibi, Sarcophagus of Ankhhapy, Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-31), and Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-28).

Occurrences of decan list AR1 in astronomical representations

The "key" in the first column is the code used to distinguish this astronomical representation in the table later on this page. 

Key Title Location Date EAT3 Name
1 Tomb of Senenmut TT 353, Deir el-Bahari 18th Dynasty 2 Senmut
2 Water clock (Amenhotep III) Found at Karnak; now in Egyptian Museum, Cairo 18th Dynasty 3 Amenhotep III
3 Ramesseum (Second Hypostyle Hall) West Bank, Thebes 19th Dynasty 8 Ramses II A & 9 Ramses II B
4 Medinet Habu Sanctuary of Osiris, Room 25, Medinet Habu 20th Dynasty 17 Ramses III A
5 Tomb of Petamenophis TT 33, Tombs of the Nobles, Asasif, Thebes Late Period 32 Pedamenope
6 Tomb of Karakhamun TT 223, Tombs of the Nobles, Asasif, Thebes Late Period -
7 Tomb of Ibi TT 36, Tombs of the Nobles, Asasif, Thebes Late Period -
8 Tomb of Montuemhet TT 34, Tombs of the Nobles, Asasif, Thebes Late Period 33 Montemhet
9 Ceiling Block (Roda) Stored near the Nilometer at Roda Late Period 36 Roda
10 Sarcophagus of a bull JE 86723, Egyptian Museum, Cairo Late Period 37 Abu Yasin
11 Sarcophagus of Ankhhapy CG 29301, Egyptian Museum, Cairo Late Period 38 Ankhhapy
12 Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-31) Animal Necropolis, Tuna el-Gebel (central part of ceiling) Greco-Roman 40 Hermopolis A
13 Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (C-2) Animal Necropolis, Tuna el-Gebel Greco-Roman 41 Hermopolis B
14 Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-28) Animal Necropolis, Tuna el-Gebel (central part of ceiling) Greco-Roman 42 Hermopolis C
15 Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (B-2) Animal Necropolis, Tuna el-Gebel Greco-Roman 43 Hermopolis D
16 Water clock (Ptolemy II) N 664 = AF 894, Louvre Museum, Paris Greco-Roman 44 Ptolemy II
17 Water clock (Florence) ? Greco-Roman 45 Florence
18 Coffin of Hornedjitef 6678, British Museum, London Greco-Roman 46 Harendotes
Composition of decan list AR1

This table shows the decans composing decan list AR1, their deities in most of the occurrences, and their appearances in astronomical the astronomical representations listed above. For details (especially of variant deities, spelling, order, survival in damaged areas, and bibliographic references), see the individual records for each astronomical representation by clicking on the name of the representation in the table above. No decans survive in 14, Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-28).

In the first column, the numbering assigned to this decan name in the list of all decans in EAT3.  In the second column, the sequential numbering for this decan in the list AR1 is given.

Decan is present in the star table
Decan is omitted
Decan appears in the 'triangle' area of the list
- Decan is not expected to occur
  Parts of the decan list that are missing through loss or damage


EAT3 AR1 List Decan Deity or Deities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18
1 1 tpy-ꜥ knmt Hapy, Imseti                
2 2 knmt Isis              
4 3 ẖry ḫpd n knmt              
6 4 ḥꜣt ḏꜣt Duamutef, Children of Horus              
8 5 pḥwy ḏꜣt              
10 6 ṯmꜣt ḥrt Duamutef            
12 7 ṯmꜣt ẖrt              
13 8 wšꜣtı͗ Duamutef, Hapy                  
15 9 bkꜣtı͗                
19 10 tpy-ꜥ ḫntt Horus                
20 11 ḫntt ḥrt              
21 12 ḫntt ẖrt Seth            
22 13 ṯms n ḫntt Horus              
25 14 sꜣptı͗ ḫnwy Isis, Nephthys              
28 15 ḥry-ı͗b wı͗ꜣ Seth              
30 16 sšmw Seth                
32 17 knmw Children of Horus                
33 18 tpy-ꜥ smd Horus                
36 19 smd Hapy                
37 20 sı͗t Isis              
38 21 sꜣwy sı͗t Duamutef              
39 22 ẖry ḫpd sı͗t Kebehsenuf              
40 23 tpy-ꜥ ꜣḫ(wy) Duamutef                  
41 24 ꜣḫ(wy) Duamutef, Kebehsenuf                  
44 25 bꜣ(wy) Hapy, Imseti                  
45 26 ḫntw ḥr(w) Children of Horus                  
47 27 (ḫntw) ẖrw                
48 28 ḳd Hapy, Kebehsenuf                
49 29 sꜣwy ḳd                
50 30 ḫꜣw Children of Horus                
51 31 ꜥrt Eye of Horus            
55 32 ḥry rmn sꜣḥ Children of Horus            
59 33 ẖry rmn sꜣḥ Children of Horus                
60 34 rmn sꜣḥ Eye of Horus                
63 35 sꜣḥ Osiris            
68 36 spdt Isis            
84 A štwy Hapy, Duamutef            
90 B nsrw Imseti                    
91 C sšpt Eyes of Horus                  
93 D hpḏs [ ]                
94 E ꜥbšs Horus                    
95 F nṯr wꜣš Duamutef