ID in this catalogue WCO 13
Type Outflow water clock 
Current Location Lost since WW2
Catalogue Numbers ÄM 19556 
Provenance Rome, Hadrianic ruins. Porter & Moss (1952) vol. VII, pp.415-6 states "Black granite waterclock (unfinished), with scenes of a King before divinities, 3rd century B.C., found in ruins, temp. Hadrian, in Vigna Bonelli, outside Porta Portese, in Berlin Mus. 19556 (bought in Venice)..." and continues to list a bibliography up to 1936.
Date Ptolemaic, reused in the time of Hadrian (AD 117-138) 
Dimensions Unknown 
Material Black Granite


Publications Visconti (1860); Wiedemann (1901)Schäfer (1910)Borchardt (1920)Porter and Moss (1960); Roullet (1972); Long (1987)
External registers Single Register 
External upper band of text Not filled
External lower band(s) of text Not filled
Exterior Astronomical Diagram No
Rim Unknown
Interior markings Unknown 
Other features  

The position of the spout seems unusually high. A baboon-shaped protruberence sits above it. Above that, as part of the decoration, a falcon wearing a double crown is visible with a sun-disc above. The photographs in Roullet seem to show a possible additional outlet (or some kind of intrusive addition) almost opposite the baboon's position and somewhat lower.
The vessel seems to have been reconstructed from several fragments and it is unclear whether all the visible fragments were original (the decoration stops at fracture lines, suggesting that some "fragments" were in fact total restorations of material).

See also the entry in: Schomberg, A., Berlin Waterclock Project, ID 22 Berlin 19556, 2019, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/2-10-15


 See Roullet (1972) for photos of the exterior.