ID in this catalogue WCO 12
Type Outflow water clock 
Current Location Room 100, Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Catalogue Numbers ДВ-2507b (also called 8698 in Шолпо (1939))
Provenance Rome (Iseum Campense), then Florence (Museum Gaddiano), then the Hermitage (around 1888)
Date Ptolemy II, 285-246 BCE
Dimensions Height 20.5 cm 
Material Granodiorite


Publications Kircher (1654); Golenischeff (1891)Wiedemann (1901)Schäfer (1910)Borchardt (1920)Pogo (1936)Шолпо (1939)Pietrangeli (1949)Porter and Moss (1960)Roullet (1972); Long (1987)
External registers Only one preserved
External upper band of text Unknown 
External lower band(s) of text No
Exterior Astronomical Diagram Unknown, as the decoration could have extended beyond the current fragment
Rim Not preserved
Interior markings Ankhs, djeds, and was-sceptres with columns of dots above. 
Other features  

See also the entry in: Schomberg, A., Berlin Waterclock Project, ID 18 Hermitage 2507b, 2019, Edition Topoi, DOI: 10.17171/2-10-10 (Berlin cast of this object is ID 4.)


The object does not appear to be on display currently and is not available in the online museum catalogue (as of May 2021).