Title Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-28)
Type Astronomical Representation
Decan List Family ?AR1
EAT3 Number and Name 42 Hermopolis C, central part
EAT3 Pages and Plates 58, Pl 27
EAT3 Decan List Family Unknown, but by parallel to Gallery C (A-31), Senmut is suggested
Publications Projekt Tuna el-Gebel, Schlüter (2015)
Location In situ; Baboon Chamber G-C-A-28 in the animal catacombs, Tuna el-Gebel
Date Ptolemaic, time of Ptolemy I


Registers Probably 2
Circumpolar Group and Deities Only a small fragment preserved
Planets None preserved
Decan Names None preserved
Decanal Stars Yes
Personifications of the Decans ?
Cluster Numbers ?
Depictions of Decanal Constellations Yes
Decanal Deity Names None preserved
Decanal Deity Figures None preserved
Lunar Months ?
Civil Months Not expected
Nut ?



This astronomical representation is the middle part of a ceiling in the animal catacombs. It is flanked by two decanal processions which contain decan names which follow a different tradition to this central part. The whole ceiling appears to be similar or identical to Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-31).


See Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-31) for the probable original plan. The only remaining pieces are a small fragment of the circumpolar group and the decanal figure "Boat".

Decan List

No decan names or deities survive.