ID in this catalogue | SC SNM 34605 |
Type | Concave part of double sundial |
Current Location | Sudan National Museum, Khartoum |
Catalogue Numbers | SNM 34605. Excavation number 146/4. Dialface ID 192 (and 329). |
Provenance | Excavated near the Amun Temple in an Naq'a, otherwise known as Naga or Naqa, Sudan. |
Date | Roman Period, 0 - 200 AD (Kroeper et al. 2011) |
Dimensions | H 446 mm, W 488 mm, D 444 mm (Kroeper and Krzyżaniak 1998) |
Material | Sandstone |
Markings and inscriptions | Hour lines only |
Notes | This part of the sundial was designed to be used all year except around midsummer, when the sun moved north of the zenith at this latitude and the flat semicircular dial on the north side of the block would be used. |
Literature | Kroeper and Krzyżaniak (1998); Catamo et al. (2000) (this sundial is number 15, the final sundial mentioned); Kroeper, Schoske and Wildung (2011) p. 51, Fig. 52 |
Snapshots of both faces of this object have been posted by a blogger, Giancarlo, who visited an exhibition in Munich about objects from an Naq'a called "Königstadt Naga - Grabungen in der Wüste des Sudan". The best images available are in Kroeper and Krzyżaniak (1998), which contains photos and drawings. Kroeper et al. (2011) has two colour photos.