info A transliteration font is needed to view the decan list pages correctly.

Ancient Egyptian astronomical texts often contain star names listed in order.  The notion of ordered lists of objects and deities is common in Egyptian funerary literature in astronomical and non-astronomical contexts.  Some astronomical tables which contain decan names from which we can extract an ordered decan list even when that is not the main presentation of the star names (for example in diagonal star tables, where the primary format is an array rather than a list). 

A decan list can either be derived from a single source or constructed by modern researchers to represent and archetype for a group of similar sources.  It is convenient, when studying groups of several sources, to consider whether decanal content and order is common across all the sources or not.  From this comparison, we can create archetypal decan lists as exemplars for a type or family of sources which share a majority of features (decan names, epigraphy, context etc.).  This section is devoted to these archetypal decan lists, pertaining to and constructed from more than one individual source.

In diagonal star tables, source-specific decan lists can be extracted either from compiling the decans in the list columns, or by reading down the first column and then along the bottom row in the main body of the table, or (in the case of damaged tables) using similar tables to conjecture in what order the surviving decans may be placed.  The complete epagomenal columns are rarely present (most tables finish before the first of the four list columns would appear) so most diagonal star table lists are therefore constructed using the second or third methods.   The source-specific decan lists are included in the instrument (or monuments) main page in the database.  From these individual lists, it is clear (Leitz 1995a, Symons 2007) that these lists fall into two families: T decan lists and K decan lists

In astronomical representations, three major source-specific decan lists (AR1, AR2, and AR3) can be distinguished, plus several unique lists appearing on just one object.  Here again, many sources contain damaged or incomplete lists.

Finally, eight decans are known only from astronomical processions: wꜥrt ḥrt sꜣḥ, pꜣ sbꜣ wꜥty, pḥwy ḥry, sꜣ sšm, tpy-ꜥ bꜣwy, tmꜣt ḥrt ẖrt, ṯs ꜥrḳ, and ḏꜣt