The term astronomical diagram is used on this site to describe a particular type of ancient Egyptian decoration, found on temple and tomb ceilings and on the outer surface of water clocks. A key feature of astronomical diagrams is the inclusion of decans.  Diagrams may or may not contain other elements, such as diagonal star tables, Ramesside star clock tables, and transit star clock tables, which are or will be described in detail in this database. Each astronomical diagram is unique, with variations found even when one diagram is a direct copy of another.

The extant diagrams fall into two groups, which in this database we will refer to as "astronomical representations" and "astronomical processions", with astronomical representations being the older and more long-lived variety.  The rationale and definitions for this classification system is contained in Symons (2015b).  The colours and letter codes in the tables are used in the schematic drawings of the more complete astronomical representations.  Areas of damage will be indicated by grey shading.

Features of Astronomical Processions

Astronomical processions display more variation in content than astronomical representations, with some examples being very abbreviated.  In general, they contain personifications of the decans and do NOT contain the deities attending the circumpolar group, with one exception (Ramses II B - one set of Ramesseum architraves). The following elements may appear:

C Circumpolar group of constellations Figures including a bovine foreleg (sometimes represented as a complete ox), a mooring post, and a hippo. A selection of additional figures may also be present.
D Decans Representations of decan stars. Both ordinary and triangle decans are included, with the triangle decans separated from the ordinary decans by the intervention of the superior planets. The decans can be represented by one or more of the following elements:
    Decan names.
    Decanal stars: a number of star or dot symbols.
    Depictions of decanal constellations.
    Cluster numbers of some decanal constellations.
    The names of related decanal deities.
    Figures of the decanal deities.
    Personifications of the decans as humans or as snakes/other forms of deites.
    Personifications of the decans - either as humans or as snakes/other forms of deites.
P Planets Representations of the five planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, and Venus as deities.
M Calendrical ("month") elements Lunar months: figures and/or names.
N The sky-goddess Nut The figure of the goddess may be included either as an enclosing border or as a central figure.
Z Signs of the zodiac.
O Depictions of other (non-circumpolar, non-decanal, non-zodiac) constellations.
X Other cosmic deities, including Geb, the four winds, figures from the Book of the Night, deities of the epact, lunar staircase, hours of the day and night, etc.
  Damaged area
List of Astronomical Processions

The table below divides the astronomical processions by time period.  It also lists the name given to each in EAT3 and the decan list family from EAT3.  The decanal content and details for each astronomical procession will be included in a future update of this database.

New Kingdom
Title EAT3 Name Location EAT 3 Decan List Family
Tomb of Rameses V/VI (Chamber K) 25 Ramses VI E KV 9 Chamber K, Valley of the Kings Misc
Late Period
Title EAT3 Name Location EAT 3 Decan List Family
Tomb of Osorkon II 31 Osorkon II Chamber I, Tanis Seti I B
Greco-Roman Period
Title EAT3 Name Location EAT 3 Decan List Family
Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-31) Border 40 Hermopolis A Flanks of ceiling, Baboon Chamber G-C-A-31, Animal Necropolis, Tuna el-Gebel Tanis
Tuna el-Gebel Gallery C (A-28) Border 42 Hermopolis C Flanks of ceiling, Baboon Chamber G-C-A-28, Animal Necropolis, Tuna el-Gebel Tanis
Temple of Khnum at Esna 47 Esna A (now destroyed) Seti I B/Tanis
Temple of Horus at Edfu 49 Edfu Northern wall of Outer Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Horus at Edfu Seti I B
Mamisi at Philae 50a Philae B Righmost outer face of Mamisi entrance at Philae Seti I B
Temple of Khnum at Elephantine - Fragments not in situ Seti I B/Tanis?
Temple of Satet at Elephantine - Fragments not in situ ?
Temple of Horus and Sobek at Kom Ombo 51 Kom Ombo Outer Hypostyle Hall architraves, Temple of Horus and Sobek at Kom Ombo Tanis
Dendera Silver Room Frieze 53 Dendera A Walls of a side room (the "Silver Room"), opening off the west side of the Second Antechamber, Temple of Hathor at Dendera Seti I B
Dendera Circular Zodiac 54 Dendera B Now in the Louvre Museum, Paris, with a cast in the original location in the East Osiris Chapel on the roof of the temple Tanis
Dendera Roof Chapel 55 Dendera C East Osiris Chapel on the roof of the temple Tanis
Tomb at Nag Hammadi Outer Chamber 56 Nag' Hamad A The "Mayor's Tomb" at Nag Hammadi Seti I B
Tomb at Nag Hammadi Inner Chamber 57 Nag' Hamad B The "Mayor's Tomb" at Nag Hammadi Tanis
Dendera Vestibule (Middle Aisles) 59 Dendera D Vestibule, Temple of Hathor at Dendera Seti I B
Dendera Vestibule (Outer Aisles) 60 Dendera E Vestibule, Temple of Hathor at Dendera Tanis
Temple of Khnum at Esna (South) 62 Esna B Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Khnum at Esna Seti I B
Temple of Khnum at Esna (North) 63 Esna C Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Khnum at Esna Tanis
Dendera Mamisi 64 Dendera F Mamisi of Trajan at Dendera Seti I B
Similar Greco-Roman designs which lack decans
Title EAT3 Name Location EAT 3 Decan List Family
Temple of Isis at Philae 50 Philae A Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Isis at Philae -
Deir el-Medina - Temple at Deir el-Medina -
Temple of Montu and Ra't-tawi 52 Armant (now destroyed) -
Temple of Isis at Shanhur 58 Shanhur Chapel, Temple of Isis at Shanhur -
Ceiling block at Qift 61 Koptos Temple of Min and Isis at Qift -
Tomb of Ibpameny and Pamehit 72 Athribis Nag Hammadi (Athribis) -